Bralettes, Bralettes Bralettes!
In case you haven't already heard, our bralettes hit the website and our storefront on Friday, and we were sold out online by Sunday! However, we are anticipating a re-stock of them later this month, and if you haven't already snagged one, you won't want to miss them! Just like our other products, for every bralette purchased, we will donate a pair of our underwear to a woman in need!
We released two bralette styles, The Hendricks- a classic comfortable bamboo bralette, and The Molly- a luxe lace bralette.
Here, is The Hendricks:

& here, is The Molly:

And a HUGE thank you to all of our supporters who helped us sell out of our first ever bralette launch in three days! Keep an eye out on our social media accounts and website for the restock!