How to Make A Difference With Your Money
If you didn’t know, MADI Apparel stands for Make A Difference Intimates—meaning we take making a difference in our community very seriously. From donating to local causes to investing in our friends and neighbors, we’ve learned that there are a lot of ways that individuals and businesses can make a difference with their time and money.
In 2018, Americans gave an estimated $427 billion to U.S. charities in 2018. That’s a lot of money. Many different charities and nonprofits rely on the generosity of individuals and companies across the globe to help share their mission. We are just one of those many companies.
So in honor of national Be Kind to Humankind Week, which is recognized annually from August 25th-31st, we wanted to share with you ways that you can make a difference with your money right now.

Ways to Make A Difference With Your Money
Donate to a charity
This is a no-brainer. Find a charity that speaks to you, whether it’s women in need, underserved children, homeless pets or anything else! Then, set up a recurring donation for them so that you never forget to make it happen. Not only is it tax deductible at the end of the year, but you’ll also feel good while doing it.
Here are a few of our favorite Kansas City charities:
MADI Donations: The 501(c)3 non-profit subsidiary of MADI Apparel. Our non-profit developed a seamstress job-training program for women facing employment barriers in Kansas City. The MADI Makes program empowers individuals to break cycles of chronic homelessness + unemployment and create pathways to self-sufficiency through a learned vocational skill. Once the apprentice successfully graduates from the program, MADI Apparel hires the women to sew our products on a contract basis.
- Big Brothers Big Sisters: Mentors work with children in the community to build relationships, confidence, and a better future.
- Camp Fire: Camp Fire's environmental and camp programs connect young people with nature to help develop them into leaders.
- Hope House: Hope House provides domestic violence victims with shelter and comprehensive services.
- Sunflower House: Sunflower House is a child-abuse prevention and accredited Children's Advocacy Center, serving Wyandotte and Johnson Counties in Kansas.
- Unbound: Empowering families living in poverty to become self-sufficient and fulfill their desired potential.
Choose a local bank
Many local banks give back to the community on behalf of its customers. By supporting local banks, you can in turn support your friends and neighbors without having to do any work on your own part!
Some banks also offer customers the ability to automatically donate a portion of their checking account to a charity of their choice on a recurring basis. This can help make donating even easier.
You can also choose to use a charity credit card as well! For example, the World Wildlife Fund Credit Card from Bank of America donates $3 to the World Wildlife fund for every new account opened, in addition to .08% of all net retail purchases made on the card. Search around for a card that partners with a non-profit that is meaningful to you and let your purchases make a difference for you.
Buy from a company who gives back
We like to call this a double whammy! We understand that donating money isn’t always available for everyone, so this is a great way to spend your money more wisely and in a way that actually makes a difference, rather than just giving you something new.
At MADI, all purchases help support women in need, locally and nationally. From creating job programs to help these women start a career to donating underwear to underserved communities, your purchases make a difference for not only yourself, but for the women around you.
Other companies who give back with their programs include:
- Do Good Co. This company sells a curated collection of donated goods to help raise money for children and pets in Kansas City. It’s just a fancier way of thrift shopping!
- Green Grove CBD With Green Grove, every purchase plants a tree through the National Forest Foundation.
Why you should give back
Not only does giving back make your community a better place, it also makes you feel better as well! Studies have shown that giving back can help fight against loneliness, reduce chronic stress, lower blood pressure, and ward off depression—all things that inhibit our ability to fight disease!
Donating time and money can also release dopamine, similar to a runner’s high, and help build self-confidence. Ultimately, it can help all of us live a better, more purposeful life (and one that makes our community better because of it!)
If you don’t have extra money to spend, that’s OK. Other ways you can help give back to your community that don’t involve monetary spending include:
- Ask your boss to add volunteer hours to your employee benefits package.
- Join a cause that is important to you.
- Start a local chapter of your favorite non-profit.
- Donate blood, unwanted items, or your time.
We can’t wait to see how our MADI community Makes A Difference this summer!