Forbes names MADI Apparel one of 25 Valentine's Day Gifts That Give Back!
This is so cool! We were so excited to see Forbes and contributing writer Vanessa McGrady named MADI in their "Vday Gifts That Give Back" Guide! In the article, McGrady writes about how Love Wins in 2017 (and how giving gifts that give are the coolest current trend), "What's sexier than knowing that the above comes from a source that gives back to people and organizations who need it most?"
The Forbes article also includes give-back brands: Moustache Tie Bar, Awe jewelry, the Shine Project, Violet Wears, Bravely, Health 2 Humanity soap, Crane & Canopy luxury bedding, Vessel and a few other cool brands that make giving an essential element of their business mission!
Click here to read the whole gift guide!