Join Us In South America!!
After such a successful trip to Haiti where we were able to donate 300 pairs of underwear to women of all ages, we have decided to make another international drop-off in South America!

On #GivingTuesday we started accepting donations to help send us to South America and we we're offering for anyone who donated $100 or more a chance to be entered in a drawing to join us! We raised 25% of our goal on giving Tuesday and we could not thank those donors enough! (And all $100+ giving Tuesday donors will be entered into our raffle TWICE!) Now, we're turning giving Tuesday into a full month of giving! So the rest of you aren't off the hook yet :) We're giving you the entire month of December to help us reach our goal and have the chance to come with us! Donate $100 or more for a chance to travel with our team this spring on our next international drop-off. If you're looking for a charity to donate your end of year charitable contributions to, help us reach our South America drop-off goal of $3,000! Click here to donate!
Here are a few pictures of us donating in Haiti, you don't want to miss the opportunity to help us do this in South America!