If you didn't already know, October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and since here at MADI our mission is to donate a pair of underwear to women in need for every pair purchased, this month is very important to us. We want to bring as much awareness to domestic violence as possible and with that we want to make sure you all know how big of an issue domestic violence is and what you can do to help.

Here are just a few of the devastating statistics of domestic violence:

  • Around 24 people every minute in the United States are victims of rape, physical violence or stalking by their intimate partner.
  • More than 1 in 3 women experience some form of domestic violence from their partner during their life.
  • Domestic Violence is the third leading cause of homelessness.
  • Every 2 out of 3 female murders are committed by their intimate partner.
  • More than 3 million children witness domestic violence in their homes.

    What can you do to help?

    • If you suspect someone close to you has been or is being abused, kindly ask if you can help them find safety and shelter.
    • Wear purple in support of Domestic Violence Awareness Month.
    • Donate to domestic violence shelters (especially underwear!). Most of them provide a needs list on their website.

    • Buy a pair of MADI underwear because by doing that, you will be donating a pair to a woman in need.

    Help us bring awareness to domestic violence and one day put an end to it!

    To purchase tickets to our non-profit fundraiser, helping us raise additional funds for underwear donations and traveling to donation drop-offs, click here.


    October 02, 2015 — Anna Tedder

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