MADI Takes a Road Trip!

We're hitting the road this weekend and could USE YOUR HELP!
We're traveling from KC -> OKC -> Austin -> Houston -> Fayetteville THIS THURSDAY - TUESDAY for 2 reasons:
1. We're distributing 300 pairs of MADI underwear donations to four women's organizations we've partnered with in each city!
2. But -- in order to continue donating to these organizations on a regular basis (after this weekend) - we must develop a sustainable buy1give1 model in these cities. If we find a retail boutique to sell MADI Apparel in, in each of these cities, for all MADI intimates sold in that boutique, we will donate a pair of underwear LOCALLY in that city.
Here's how YOU - our MADI friends/supporters - can help:
We can use your help in finding local boutiques to sell our impactful intimates. For all MADI intimates sold at any retail boutique, a pair of underwear will be donated back to that local community! We love keeping MADI donations local and sustainable in that city!
Here is where we're donating:
Thursday, March 3rd Oklahoma City, OK
MADI Donations (our 501c3) will donate 50 pairs of new underwear to YWCA of OKC -
About YWCA: Operate the only DV Shelter in Oklahoma County as well as the only Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner program in OK county
Friday, March 4th- Austin
MADI Donations (our 501c3) will donate 150 pairs of new underwear to SafePlace Austin
About SafePlace: Provides Safety for individuals and families affected by sexual and domestic violence; helps victims in their Healing so they can move beyond being defined by the crimes committed against them.
We'll be donating underwear mainly to to Eloise House - on site sexual assault clinic where survivors can come for a forensic exam for free.
Monday, March 7th-Houston
MADI Donations (our 501c3) will donate 50 pairs of new underwear to Star of Hope.
About Star of Hope: Star of Hope is a Christ-centered community dedicated to meeting the needs of homeless men, women and their children.
We will also donate 50 pairs of new underwear to The Women's Home (our second donation drop-off to this org.)
About The Women's Home: Programs specifically target women who are homeless or vulnerable to homelessness, many of whom have histories of addiction, mental illness or both
Tuesday, March 8th- We'll be dropping through Fayetteville and would love any boutique recommendations here as well!
If you have a contact or frequently shop at a boutique interested in distributing our cause based underwear brand, please forward this email along or contact:
If you are interested in learning about our current retailer outlets, click here: http://www.madiapparel. com/pages/find-a-retailer

Some of our team last year mailing new underwear to The Women's Home in Houston, TX. We are very excited to be going in-person this time to meet the staff and learn more about their wonderful resources/organization!